Brand Clarity Is Everything.

Dan Crask Brand Consultant | Brand Strategist | Creator of Vibe, Tribe, & Why® I sell clarity. It shows up in a brand’s website, product packaging, logo, etc., but the reason behind Brand Shepherd’s effective work is our process. After years of development, I’m elated to announce that our process is now a standalone product, […]

What Is A Brand?

what is a brand by dan crask

Dan Crask Brand Consultant | Brand Strategist | Creator of Vibe, Tribe, & Why® A friend and I had been talking about this new post-pandemic economy and how marketing is now distinct from branding. The next day, out of nowhere, my friend texted me a simple question: What is a brand? Usually, I would have […]

How To Get And Stay Customer Focused

how to get and stay customer-focused by dan crask

Dan Crask Brand Consultant | Brand Strategist | Creator of Vibe, Tribe, & Why® A guideline that helped me shift my focus to my clients’ tribe is to avoid using the words “we” or “I” in the main headline of content. A website hero area, ad copy, video intro, etc., are tempting spaces to make […]

It’s All Connected To Brand

It’s All Connected by Dan Crask

Dan Crask Brand Consultant | Brand Strategist | Creator of Vibe, Tribe, & Why® It’s all connected. I believe in and help brands create a brand architecture where Brand is the center hub and the spokes connecting to and from Brand are things like marketing, sales, HR, investor relations, operations, etc. Everything connects to Brand.  […]

Portillo’s: A Brand That Gets It

portillos by dan crask

Dan Crask Brand Consultant | Brand Strategist | Creator of Vibe, Tribe, & Why® My brother’s final Christmas gift to me and my family was two shipments of Portillo’s: Italian Beef and Chicago Hot Dogs. He saw a post where I was bemoaning how homesick I was for a real Italian Beef. He ordered Portillo’s […]

The New Era of the Clarified Brand

new era of the clarified brand by dan crask

Dan Crask Brand Consultant | Brand Strategist | Creator of Vibe, Tribe, & Why® I believe the basics of brand marketing have radically shifted in light of the perfect cocktail of post-pandemic consumer expectations, web3, and AI. Here’s what I now believe: ✅ Marketing’s sole job is to draw people to the Brand. Marketing’s job […]

The Perfect Prequel To StoryBrand

Dan Crask Brand Consultant | Brand Strategist | Creator of Vibe, Tribe, & Why® Are you looking to clarify your brand’s people, presence, and purpose? It’s why I created the Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ framework. As a StoryBrand enthusiast, I was excited to find that I had been using a complementary framework to develop brands. […]