brands that thrive know and leverage their

The bottom line fact:

clarity sells.

My work with brands of all sizes and stages has shown me one consistent fact: Clarity sells.

Specifically, best-in-class brands are ruthlessly clear about three things:

  • Presence
  • People
  • Purpose


I call it a brand’s Vibe, Tribe, & Why™, and I have created a simple framework that helps brands capture, clarify, and apply these vital elements in a way that is immediately put to use across the whole brand: from sales and marketing to HR and the C-Suite. 

Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ – Clarity Sells

trusted by brands of every size & stage.

brands need clarity on 3 three things:


Your brand’s presence.

What kind of vibe does your brand create through its words, imagery, and value? I capture how your brand is perceived, where it is positioned in the market and the place where your brand aspires to be.


Your brand’s people.

What tribe does your brand belong to, and why does it appeal to them? By understanding the goals, motivations, and challenges of your Ideal Customer Profile, we’ll clarify how your brand can interact with its tribe in meaningful ways.


Your brand’s purpose.

What challenges does your brand exist to solve, and why should your tribe pick it as their solution? We’ll succinctly capture your brand’s opportunities and solutions and outline how it can empathize with and impact its tribe.

what we will do together:

capture, clarify, & apply.

The Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ framework is a collaborative process, meaning your thoughts and input are essential for our insight and analysis. Together, we’ll work to capture where your brand aspires to be, clarify its key qualities, and apply that knowledge in actionable ways that will elevate your brand.

Understand your brand.

The Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ process will clarify your brand over several weeks. We will study your customer base, current brand positioning, and market positioning and learn where your brand aspires to be.

You’ll receive a fully branded deliverable that is yours to keep. Inside, you’ll have the guiding principles and tools to express your brand and communicate its core values so everything syncs at all touch points.
In addition, you’ll receive applicable elements that you can immediately use for your brand, such as insights into areas of agreement between your customer personas, tagline ideas, hero copy examples, and style guides for typography and color.
Using your new Brand Experience Guide, your clarified brand is prepared to expand and grow toward new, effective ways to engage your ideal customers.
Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ - what we will clarify

i’ll guide your brand
to greatness.

your investment

Clarity sells. Brands require clarity in their presence, people, and purpose to stand out.

average investment

$ 5,500 budget is based on the size of your brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, each topic will be covered from the ground up and requires no prior knowledge. 

6 weeks is the average time from start to finish.

dan crask created Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ from 15+ years of working with giant brands like Johnson & Johnson, P&G, and Abbott Labs, as well as industry leaders such as Standex International, Middleby Corporation, Dinovite, and more. 

Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ is a framework based on what Dan worked on firsthand and worked to grow each brand.

Strip all unique selling propositions down to their essentials and everything leads to whether a brand has clarity. 

Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ will give your brand clarity about its presence, people, and purpose. 

This clarity immediately impacts marketing, sales, the C-suite/leadership, talent acquisition, and investor relations. 

your brand will have the one advantage that determines success or failure: clarity.

Yes. Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ acts as the precursor to every marketing framework out there, such as StoryBrand and The 5 Pillars.

Marketing framework systems operate on a crucial assumption: They presuppose that you and your entire team have a profound understanding of your brand’s presence, people, and purpose.

The truth is, that most brands are not clear about their brand at all.

Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ provides the clarity needed for maximum ROI from all marketing frameworks.

you are just three simple steps away from starting brand clarity