Let’s Be Clear: Brand Refresh vs. Brand Redo

Dan Crask

Brand Consultant | Brand Strategist | Creator of Vibe, Tribe, & Why®

When your brand needs fresh energy, you have two choices: a brand refresh or a brand redo.

Let’s discuss the differences.

A brand redo is easier to understand. It’s starting over but keeping the brand name and possibly some vital legacy visual equity, such as a particular color the brand has always been known for.

With a brand redo, we create new brand messaging, target new customers, and give it a new purpose. We overhaul the logo, imagery, you name it. Everything changes.

This leads to an entirely new vibe for your brand.

A brand refresh is trickier but is more common than you might realize.

Recently, Sprite® and 7-Up® refreshed their brands. Both brands kept their overall look and message but updated their visuals with subtle changes. This new look was applied to everything from the websites to packaging to social media content to ads.

So, with a brand refresh, you don’t throw away everything. You just give it new life visually and sometimes tweak the message to better attract your main tribe of customers.

Choosing between a brand refresh or a brand redo must be based on quantitative and qualitative information.

Both have different processes and costs, but either will give your brand the energy it needs.

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