
The Standex corporate website no longer reflected the brand’s authentic vibe, so a new website was needed.


A completely new Standex website was created from scratch, simplifying the user experience while clarifying the brand voice for its ideal audience. I led us through my Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ process to capture and define the brand, which produced a Brand Experience Guide that we then used to create the new website.


Standex International is a multifaceted b2b corporation with divisions in electronics, science, aerospace, engraving, and more. The Standex brand, at the corporate level, is to lead its divisions and attract talent and investors to continue its reputation for excellence.



Standex divisions and the brands they manufacture have websites that tell those specific stories, so this new Standex corporate website was to capture and clarify the Standex parent brand as the leader of its various divisions. The impact of this strategy is to communicate that Standex is a trustworthy and innovative brand with which talent and investors can confidently align.



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