Let’s Be Clear: There Are 2 Types of Marketing

dan crask

Dan Crask

Brand Consultant | Brand Strategist | Creator of Vibe, Tribe, & Why®

Clarity of brand messaging is most immediately valuable for marketing. 

Yet, what kind of marketing is best for your brand’s aspirational goals? What’s more, what is marketing expected to do for the brand? Where is marketing calling on people to go, do, and see?

These questions–and more–need clarity, so let’s be clear about the two distinct types of marketing: Performance Marketing and Brand Marketing.

The TL;DR:  Performance Marketing drives immediate, measurable actions, while Brand Marketing focuses on long-term, aspirational brand equity and customer loyalty.

There are three critical differences between them:

1. Objectives and Goals

Performance Marketing: The primary goal is to drive measurable, specific actions, such as clicks, conversions, sales, or leads. It focuses on achieving direct responses and generating a measurable return on investment (ROI). Every activity in performance marketing is tracked, and immediate outcomes determine success.

Brand Marketing: The main objective is to build and maintain brand awareness, reputation, and loyalty over the long term. Brand marketing aims to create a positive image and emotional connection with the audience, often without an immediate call to action or direct ROI measurement. The focus is more on shaping perceptions and fostering long-term customer relationships.

2. Measurement and Analytics

Performance Marketing relies heavily on data and analytics. Marketers use key performance indicators (KPIs) like cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-acquisition (CPA), and return on ad spend (ROAS) to measure campaign effectiveness. Success is quantitatively assessed through metrics, making attributing specific actions to marketing efforts easier.

Brand Marketing: Measurement is less straightforward because it deals with intangible metrics like brand awareness, brand perception, and customer sentiment. Tools such as surveys, brand lift studies, and social listening are often used, but the results are not as immediately quantifiable as those in performance marketing. The impact of brand marketing is usually seen over a more extended period.

3. Time Frame and Strategy

Performance Marketing typically operates with a short-term focus, targeting immediate results and optimizing campaigns in real-time to improve performance and maximize returns. Strategies can be quickly adjusted based on data insights, and campaigns are often highly targeted and tactical.

Brand Marketing: This approach involves a long-term strategy to build and strengthen the brand’s identity and presence in the market. It involves consistent messaging and sustained efforts to shape the public’s perception and build trust. This approach is more strategic and holistic, encompassing a comprehensive range of activities beyond direct response advertising.

Each approach has tools, strategies, and metrics that align with its unique objectives.

How I Help Brands

I am a Brand Marketer. The strategies and tactics I develop for brands are based on the long-term goals of the brand’s aspiration.

The value of focusing on Brand Marketing is that some of what I do can be segmented into a short-term Performance Marketing sprint.

For example, while executing a brand’s solutions to their ideal customer’s wants, one of the specific solutions could run a promotion based on the particular context, such as time, season, holiday, or event.

I recommend always emphasizing Brand Marketing because brands get the most value from it.

I welcome an opportunity to meet with you, listen to your brand aspirations, and craft a Brand Marketing strategy that is clear at its core.

want to apply this insight to your brand?

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