how to get and stay customer-focused by dan crask

How To Get And Stay Customer Focused

Dan Crask

Brand Consultant | Brand Strategist | Creator of Vibe, Tribe, & Why®

A guideline that helped me shift my focus to my clients’ tribe is to avoid using the words “we” or “I” in the main headline of content.

A website hero area, ad copy, video intro, etc., are tempting spaces to make bold statements about why “we” this and “we” that.

There are times to break that rule, though few and far between.

People give attention to content with the core question, “What can you do for me?”

Answering with “WE MATTER,” “WE RULE,” or “WE’RE HERE” doesn’t answer the question at all.

Instead, think of how you can answer the question half as well as Burger King: “Have It Your Way,” or Nike’s “Just Do It,” or Apple’s “It Just Works,” or Kroger’s “Fresh For Everyone.”

Great brands execute on this one point with ruthless aggression. They will not entertain anything that isn’t customer-focused.

Let’s do likewise.

want to apply this insight to your brand?

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