Having experienced exponential growth in recent years, Middley’s website did not portray the vibe of its leader position in commercial foodservice equipment, residential kitchen equipment, and commercial food processing equipment.
Through a multi-tiered process, I led the design team through an iterative approach to elevating Middleby’s brand voice and vibe. I used my Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ process with various C-suite leaders to capture and clarify the Middleby brand.
Middleby is the industry leader in commercial food service, residential kitchen, and commercial food processing equipment. The vibe Middleby provides its tribe is that of the best of the best, supported by forward-thinking innovation.
End-Users: Restaurant Owners, Homeowners, and Food Processing Brands
Although the corporation isn’t brand over 70+ industry-leading brands in the food prep industry, Middleby takes great care to assure its customers, talent, and investors that it has the pulse of the industry and will lead. This has created deep trust in the Middleby brand.
Vibe, Tribe, & Why® Process
Brand Experience Guide
Website Design: UX & UI
My Role: Fractional Chief Experience Officer & Project Co-Lead